Mossberg’s Evolution – Rotation Part 1
This past October, the Mossberg crew hosted several gunwriters at Gunsite. More than a few of the group were or had been working street cops. We were all there to examine the newest additions to Mossberg's defensive shotgun line. Rich Kirk, engineer Peter DuPerry, and law enforcement / military program manager Jeremy Stafford were Mossberg's main representatives. Brad Gilpin from Blue Force Gear was there to support our use of their adjustable sling. A [...]
A Haven For Shotgunners
Several subject matter-specific events are held across the defensive-minded training sphere: the Polite Society Conference, Rangemaster’s Tactical Conference (TacCon), the Combatives Summit, the Revolver Round-Up, and more. One is specifically for those interested in the practical application and art of the defensive shotgun. Darryl Bolke is covering reloading while [...]
The Case For Shotguns
Over the past decade or so, shotguns have taken a back seat to patrol rifles. While patrol rifles undoubtedly have their place, the shotgun, when properly configured, is still a viable and effective tool. Does it replace a patrol rifle? Not necessarily. Does having a patrol rifle mean you shouldn't [...]
Federal’s #1 Buck Is Back
Along with chasing the best firearm, the collective “we” chase the best in calibers and bullets. Like pretty much anything else in life, the better can be subjective. It all depends on who is being asked or offering their opinion. One of those areas is shotgun ammunition. Shooters want a [...]
Chisel Machining’s Adjustable Shotgun Stock
There are a handful of friends who, when they call me about a product, I absolutely pay attention. Steve Fisher is one of those. He’s a long-time trainer, having run his own company — Sentinel Concepts, and having had a long stint at Magpul Dynamics. He pointed me to Chisel [...]
Staging Your Long Gun
A fair amount of defensive firearms training comes from the experience of domestic law enforcement. That is not necessarily a bad thing, as it can be experience-driven. Likely, it is vetted within local and federal statutes and case law. Unfortunately, it means development and evolution can be hampered by decades [...]
Rangemaster’s Shotgun Instructor Class
We had just finished a call involving pointing guns at dangerous suspects that ended well, all in custody with nobody hurt. One of my partners walked up to me, holding a wood and steel shotgun at arm’s length, and asked me to unload it. Even before the age of [...]
Beretta’s A300 Ultima Patrol Shotgun – Part 2
During my last trip to Gunsite, I finished up my work with Beretta's A300 Ultima Patrol. Patterning No two shotgun barrels are the same. It's easy to stand by that statement because they darn sure do not pattern alike. As a result, the starting point for any serious work with [...]
Beretta’s A300 Ultima Patrol Shotgun
Oh, my gawd, Becky, look at that gauge! Regardless of some thoughts, the 12ga shotgun still has a definite place in a thinking person’s armory. A shotgun can fill several roles decently if one understands the characteristics of different types of ammunition and how to best use them. For [...]
We Were Slingin’
A long time ago, in what was another country, I heard it said that a sling is to a rifle or shotgun what a holster is to a handgun. The sling fulfills several purposes. It is a way to secure (or store) your long gun when you want it handy [...]
Are some firearms accessories good? Or bad? Can they help you? Or hurt you? What about modifications? And I am only asking in regards to using the firearm in question. Regarding modifications, some will tell you that you can't even modify a gun for legal reasons. I'm afraid I have [...]