Federal’s #1 Buck Is Back

Along with chasing the best firearm, the collective “we” chase the best in calibers and bullets. Like pretty much anything else in life, the better can be subjective. It all depends on who is being [...]


ShotDot — Technology That Works For The Shooter

Some commonly used technology has limitations. Despite the best efforts, existing tools may not “hear” or “see” gunshots. The hostage negotiator community has documented instances of their equipment not “hearing” a gunshot. Body-worn Cameras may [...]

Why Not PPC?

(Editor's note: August is National Shooting Sports Month. Because of that, you will see a few articles covering competitive shooting. Appropriately, we are starting with PPC.) PPC (Police Pistol Combat) shooting was developed in the [...]

Shadow Systems’ XR920P – Part 1

Normally, when “we” (gun writers) start to review a firearm, it’s from the perspective of what the writer learned about that one gun. Knowledge of the company comes into play as well. This one will [...]


Alternative Calibers For Police Rifle Training

For most users, the AR-15 pattern rifle in 5.56mm is the “go-to” answer for those needing a patrol rifle.  However, there are times, particularly for training, when AR pattern rifles in alternate calibers warrant consideration.  [...]

Selecting Your Patrol Rifle

The patrol rifle or patrol carbine has exploded in popularity in the last ten years. While some agencies had them long before that, I didn’t see them become as popular or prevalent in New England [...]

Mk 3 For Thee

Courtesy of, a magazine is defined as: noun - mag·​a·​zine ma-ge-zenˌ 5: a supply chamber: such as a : a holder in or on a gun for cartridges (see cartridge sense 1) to be [...]

Trust A Process

Trust the process. We hear that phrase a lot. Do we have processes when it comes to our firearms? We previously addressed this issue and how it related to one's handgun. For police officers and [...]


Mossberg’s PRO Series

Part one of this series covered Mossberg’s development and release of the 590R and 590RM (box magazine-fed) pump shotguns. Both utilize a rotating thumb safety, reminiscent of those on the AR-15 family of carbines and [...]

Mossberg’s Evolution – Rotation Part 1

This past October, the Mossberg crew hosted several gunwriters at Gunsite. More than a few of the group were or had been working street cops. We were all there to examine the newest additions to [...]

A Haven For Shotgunners

Several subject matter-specific events are held across the defensive-minded training sphere: the Polite Society Conference, Rangemaster’s Tactical Conference (TacCon), the Combatives Summit, the Revolver Round-Up, and more. One is specifically for those interested in the [...]

The Case For Shotguns

Over the past decade or so, shotguns have taken a back seat to patrol rifles. While patrol rifles undoubtedly have their place, the shotgun, when properly configured, is still a viable and effective tool. Does [...]