Cop stuff editorial



You Are Standing Where?

Author's note: This is not specific to any one event. It does, however, address some concerns in the contemporary law enforcement environment.    Having come into police work in an era when assertive, proactive police work was the expectation, I watched how things changed over the years. And I got to experience it as well.        I saw that change start one morning after a graveyard shift at a local establishment we occasionally [...]

By |September 5th, 2023|
  • Second Amendment

Get Some Skin in the Game

By |October 2nd, 2020|

Trap shooters describe people taking tactical carbine courses as “Tactical Timmys” or “Tacticool.” Those taking carbine courses say that standing in one spot to shoot a clay bird is a huge waste of time. Precision rifle shooter believe cowboy action shooters have not grown up and are still playing “cowboys [...]

After Action Report: Nightmare On Sesame Street

By |September 29th, 2020|

Back in 2012 I received an email from a friend that said he had been asked to see if I would like to attend a three-day carbine class and would it be OK to forward my contact information to the instructor. My friend admitted up front that he had not [...]

  • police officer

We’re at a Turning Point

By |September 17th, 2020|

On May 25, 2020 Derek Chauvin a 19-year veteran of the Minneapolis, Minnesota PD knelt on the neck of George Floyd for eight minutes. Chauvin’s actions may have contributed to Floyd’s death, but his autopsy showed he had methamphetamines and four times the lethal amount of fentanyl in his system [...]

Doing The Right Thing

By |June 5th, 2014|

I was watching a short lecture video on TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design, and it really got me thinking about my career. More importantly, it got me taking a hard look at the bigger picture of life. The lecture — or as they’re called on TED, “TED Talks” — is entitled “Should you live for your résumé … or your eulogy?” The talk is presented by New York Times columnist David Brooks and is only five minutes long.

Too Much Stuff?

By |June 4th, 2014|

A previous column (“Can Something Be Too Good?”, December 2013) prompted a lot of e-mails, most of which were in agreement with my opinion. My concern was that the amount of equipment carried by officers, particularly if carried in external vest carriers, could make it difficult and time-consuming (if not [...]

Surplus Extravaganza?

By |June 4th, 2014|

The wars are deescalating and one of the byproducts is a flood of military surplus equipment into the civilian market. While some of it may reach regular folks, I doubt we’ll be buying anti-tank missiles at the local gun show. Although I confess there’s a tiny part of me thinking [...]

A Compendium Of Concepts

By |April 30th, 2014|

Here at American COP we’re all too aware of how tight budgets are for the average law enforcement agency — that’s you in small town USA. While it would be nice to have gear right out of some cop TV show, those guys live in the world of make-believe. So what do you do if your agency can’t afford new or improved gear? Some of you will sit around and whine about how bad you’ve got it, while others will simply make do with whatever they can get, but a few will be proactive. Huh? What?

Sellling The Advantages

By |April 30th, 2014|

As a former SWAT member and team commander I’ve watched with great interest the growth in sophistication of SWAT tactics over the years. I’ve also observed with interest the necessary and appropriate use of technology designed to enhance the safety of all, including citizens, during high-risk incidents. As my recent [...]

$20 Box Store Lights For Cops?

By |April 22nd, 2014|

There are lots of tools of the trade associated with law enforcement. Most of us automatically think of our guns, impact weapons, radios, handcuffs, etc. And we often take their expense for granted — until we’re buying them with our own hard-earned money. Flashlights can certainly cause a lot of grumbling, and I’ve often heard officers complain about how expensive they are and the batteries needed to keep ’em running. And I love the “If they don’t issue it, then I ain’t buying it” crowd. Great, go ahead and shoot yourself in the foot by short-changing your chance to save your butt when the chips are down. Idiots.

Is “Tactical” Overworked?

By |April 2nd, 2014|

Is there anyone besides me who thinks we may have reached the point where “tactical” as a description of what we wear, carry and how we work is perhaps becoming just a bit overused? Or, in some cases, misused? Make no mistake of where I’m coming from. In addition to [...]

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