Cop stuff editorial



Barnes Named HIVIZ® Director of LE/MIL & Airsoft Sales

  In its 25th year, HIVIZ® Shooting Systems is not only expanding its workforce, but also its focus into the government and airsoft sectors. This is an important advancement in the future of the company and HIVIZ is excited to announce the promotion of Lanny Barnes as the Director of LE/MIL & Airsoft Sales to help spearhead these new programs. Barnes joined HIVIZ in 2019 as the Director of Commercial Sales and has helped the [...]

By |June 3rd, 2021|

You’re A Business

By |April 25th, 2013|

I don’t want to talk about your agency, but about the way you run your career, and to some extent, even your life and your family. It’s a business. After retiring from the police department, I moved into the firearms/outdoors industry full time. I had been involved in it as [...]

Find Your Thirst For Knowledge

By |April 3rd, 2013|

When I was just a baby cop I remember many days wondering if I was ever going to be a “good cop.” In hindsight I’m stunned how any of us couldn’t help but have abject terror about our abilities early on, considering we were sent out into the big bad [...]

A Case For Reserves

By |April 3rd, 2013|

Like many readers I began my career as a reserve. In my case it was as a reserve deputy sheriff with a large agency in Southern California. As a chief I have always maintained a reasonably sized reserve program for the departments I have served. There are a number of [...]

I’m A Cop – And That Is Not Funny

By |April 3rd, 2013|

Yeah it is. Or at least it can be. If you don’t have a sense of humor and let it out every day on this job, you’ll go nuts — and be a pain to the people around you at the same time. You know the officers (and supervisors) I’m [...]

Elected Vs. Appointed

By |March 8th, 2013|

Some of us work for chiefs, while some work for sheriffs. There are certainly other titles our bosses may go by, but for the sake of ease I’ll refer to the two main types of law enforcement leaders rather generically. The biggest difference between a chief and a sheriff is [...]

Slip-Slidin’ Away

By |March 8th, 2013|

My law enforcement career, reserve and full time combined, is now rapidly approaching 50 years in length. That’s a long time, and it certainly means I’m getting old, but all this experience doesn’t necessarily mean I’m always right. It provides me with a basis for comparing how things used to [...]


By |March 8th, 2013|

Once again, we’re subjected to a wholesale attempt at passing the normal feel-good legislation regarding “bad” guns. Regardless of the final look of the legislation, it will do absolutely nothing to actually address the real problem — criminals who kill people. Jeff Snyder, a renowned gun-rights thinker and author, is [...]

It’s The Criminals…

By |February 5th, 2013|

As I write this (December 2012), the world is reeling from another unspeakable horrific mass murder — at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. I won’t presume to understand anything about why the shooting occurred, the only people who could’ve shed any light on that are both dead. It’s [...]

Time To Revisit Recruitment

By |February 5th, 2013|

Let me say from the outset, I’m well aware the majority of today’s law enforcement officers are quality people and highly professional. I know this because I work with many of them. However, I believe it’s fair and accurate to state that a minority, unfortunately an increasing minority, of officers [...]


By |February 5th, 2013|

There are only a few careers where your presence at a scene or event can literally have a life-changing impact on the people involved. A doctor is an obvious one, with nurses, paramedics and fire fighters being a handful of others. By simply being at the scene of an emergency, [...]

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