Ready Positions And Better Outcomes
American Cop Magazine sponsored the Law Enforcement Education Program at the 2024 SHOT Show, which gave Editor Erick Gelhaus the opportunity to present an informative [...]
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American Cop Magazine sponsored the Law Enforcement Education Program at the 2024 SHOT Show, which gave Editor Erick Gelhaus the opportunity to present an informative [...]
As a trainer, I work with cops from a wide variety of agencies, and it’s always interesting to me when students from diverse backgrounds make [...]
There’s a balance to maintain between safety and acceptable risk We can agree that there's room for a variety of techniques in firearms training and [...]
It’s disappointing that we don’t pay better attention to our own history I am writing this just after returning from Las Vegas and the SHOT [...]
I was comparing notes on new products with American Cop Editor Erick Gelhaus at the 2023 SHOT Show, and the conversation turned towards law enforcement [...] A conversation with Mike Wood, author of "The Newhall Shooting — A Tactical Analysis: Survival Lessons from One of Law Enforcement's Deadliest [...]
Our History – Are There Lessons? The United States Marine Corp excels at instilling its history into every Marine. What about the police and [...]
Ammo Cannot Overcome Training And Mindset Problems. I entered the military at the end of the Reagan Era, and have spent the majority of my [...]
I’d like to thank William G. Baker for taking the time to enlighten us (Return Fire, March 2014). For several years I bumped heads with [...]
“Nowadays, we’re much more likely to hear officers use the term ‘civilian’ to describe those who are not in law enforcement, as if the officers [...]