Misc Gear


Misc Gear2022-01-26T10:07:54-08:00

Vertx All New Tactigami — Mission Configurable Organization

Vertx®, a subsidiary of the Fechheimer Brothers Company, was founded over a decade ago in response to a federal agency's need for low-profile, functional tactical pants. Leveraging their long history of crafting military uniforms, Vertx developed highly discreet tactical pants and later expanded to low-profile clothing, bags, and packs. Their bags and packs are complemented by a range of accessories that enhance storage capabilities, allowing users to adapt their gear to their specific needs. Vertx [...]

By |September 17th, 2024|
  • Streamlight

Every Day Carry (EDC)

By |September 10th, 2020|

Everyday carry (EDC) gear options have exploded in recent years, offering fantastic innovation to those who like to be prepared — having the actual tools on their person at all times. Here we enjoy some thoughtful designs around ankle holstering, a flashlight well designed for pocket carry, a highly-engineered front-opening [...]

  • Mantis X10

Mantis x10

By |September 10th, 2020|

A few years ago, the engineers at Mantis launched a training tech revolution with their MantisX sensor. When paired with a companion smartphone application, the rail-mount device could show you exactly what’s happening when you break a shot. Motion sensors track the most minute movements of the gun, allowing you [...]

Meprolight Adjustable Day/Night Sights

By |September 9th, 2020|

The mantra for accurate shooting is front sight … press. The front sight and the muzzle below it dictate direction while the rear sight provides windage and elevation with proper sight alignment. Bottom line: You need to use the sights to hit a target. However, this can be difficult in [...]

  • Medical Trauma kit

Gear Showcase: Safety and Security

By |September 9th, 2020|

My wife thinks I’m OCD about having back-up supplies for my personal consumable items. Perhaps I am, but she ended up pleased we weren’t caught short during the Great Toiler Paper Shortage 2020. She also liked I had extra packs of hand-cleaning wipes and similar items. Those planning skills (yes, [...]

  • Gunvault NV-200

Safe Storage

By |September 1st, 2020|

Bad Guys Often Use Stolen Guns, And They Like To Steal Them From Us. Let’s Make It Tougher. We’re all familiar with the Four Rules of firearms safety promulgated by the late, great gun guru Jeff Cooper. They can be paraphrased as: Rule One: All guns are always loaded, or [...]

  • Birchwood Casey Sportlock Shooting Bag

Exclusive: Birchwood Casey Sportlock Deluxe Range Bag

By |September 1st, 2020|

Let’s face it, most shooters — especially experienced shooters — are accumulators, maybe even bordering as hoarders. When we go for a quick trip to the range, packing our range bag usually takes longer than packing for a two week vacation. Most of us have large haversacks we dump our [...]

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