Weapons Training



Inattention Or Just Confusion?

Over the past few (several?) years, the firearms training community has seen an influx of new and non-traditional students. These students are often new gun owners with minimal prior exposure to firearms. One frequent issue that I and others have repeatedly seen is unintentional lapses in awareness when handling firearms. I have seen a much higher frequency of these instances over the past three and a half years than I saw previously teaching.   None [...]

By |October 8th, 2024|

Working the Thumb Safety for new 1911/2011 Shooters

By |June 29th, 2022|

It has been interesting to watch the re-invention of STI into Staccato and, simultaneously, see the resurrection of a 1911-style pistol into the police duty-use world. I used a 1911 pistol on patrol and in investigations for over twenty years. I carried, competed, and taught with one. And I did [...]

Roka Arms’ Downrange Tab and Training for Off-body Carry

By |May 30th, 2022|

Most of us carry concealed firearms in or on our beltline, whether with a strong side hip holster, inside the waistband, or “appendix-ish” carry. At least one American Cop writer advocates for carrying smaller revolvers in pocket holsters. All those options are great until you can’t carry them that way [...]

See The Threat Or Hear It?:Training for visual stimulus with Reactionary Gap’s Muzzle Flash Simulation System

By |April 26th, 2022|

Do we respond more quickly to an auditory stimulus or a visual one? A significant amount of the research I’ve looked at, including two papers linked at the end of the article, says we respond quicker to sounds. By how much? 140-160 milliseconds for the sound and 180-200 milliseconds for [...]


By |October 8th, 2021|

Most of us don’t get to the range as we’d like to or should. I know I don’t. Few of us live where we can just step outside and shoot. Even when we do get to the range, restrictions often limit our training options. Ammo is not cheap these days. [...]


By |September 10th, 2021|

If you have been shooting for more than a day, chances are you already know, dry firing can improve one’s marksmanship and weapons manipulation. So just how much dry firing does it take? To effect change, such as learn a new method or technique? Maintain learned skills? Many will say, [...]

S&W 3RD GEN DAO’S | Autos For Revolver Guys

By |September 1st, 2021|

Smith and Wesson introduced Double Action Only (DAO) variants of their 3rd generation semiautomatic pistols in the first few years of the 1990’s. They were envisioned as a solution for agencies struggling with transitioning officers from revolvers to semi autos. At that time, I was in my early 20’s and [...]

AMERICAN COP | Through The Centuries

By |July 20th, 2021|

My first trip to the American Pistol Institute (now known as Gunsite) was in 1976, shortly after it was founded by Jeff Cooper. When asked how many times I have been there I honestly answer, “I don’t know.” In addition to classes and industry events, I normally go to Gunsite [...]

DESIGNATED MARKSMEN | The Need And The Training

By |July 7th, 2021|

The Designated Marksman (DM) concept is nothing new. “Sharpshooters” were used as far back as the American Revolution, with better shots assigned to target officers. My father jumped on D-Day with the 101st Airborne. One private carried an ‘03 Springfield with a Weaver 4X scope, and was used to shoot [...]

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