This March, during a stint at Gunsite, I had a chance to try out two new pistol caliber offerings from Ammo Inc.
One of them is the Streak – a non-incendiary tracer round for handguns. The non-incendiary part means that nothing is burning so – except for a weird spark – there is almost no way shooting this should start a fire. It can be used on an indoor range where there is a concern about unburnt powder. It can also be outdoors at a range that would normally prohibit incendiary tracers over a concern about fires.
How does it work? Ammo Inc says “Unique patented STREAK technology features a luminescent dot on the rear of the bullet. When fired, the muzzle flash illuminates this dot, providing the user with a tracer-like glowing bullet path.”
We shot these rounds two different evenings at Gunsite, during low light classes. Both times, the bullet was most visible towards the end of twilight.
Ammo Inc says Streak ammunition will let you see your bullets in flight – and we saw them. Even though our eyes aren’t as good as Jelly Bryce’s were.
If you curious about the Streak’s performance, take a look at this video: